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Empowering Others!

Empowering Individuals: Kelly's Journey with AbilityOne

Meet Kelly, a shining example of how the AbilityOne Programcreates meaningful opportunities and supports individuals in their careerjourneys.

Kelly's Story

Kelly is currently thriving in HRC's pre-employment program,where she works on various laundry contracts. But it's more than just a job forKelly – it's a path to independence and personal growth.

What Kelly Loves About Her Job:

  • Engaging work in laundry services
  • Supportive job coaches and staff at HRC
  • Opportunities for skill development

The AbilityOne Impact

The AbilityOne Program plays a crucial role in creatingemployment opportunities:

  • Provides about 50% of the work available to individuals in HRC's     pre-employment program
  • Ensures participants like Kelly can earn Federally mandated wages and     benefits
  • Governs contracts that provide stable, meaningful work

Why It Matters

Through the AbilityOne Program, individuals like Kellyaren't just finding jobs – they're building careers, gaining independence, andcontributing to their communities.

Join us in celebrating the power of inclusive employment andthe positive change it brings to lives like Kelly's!


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HRC is a highly valued collaborator and a powerful agent for positive community change, recognized for its ethical and professional staff, therapeutic environment
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