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Mental Health Services

HRC believes that recovery from mental illness and serious emotional disturbance is possible. We believe that Recovery is the expectation in services. We understand lapse and relapse to be a common part of the recovery experience that can be utilized to clarify and refine the needs of the person served. Relapse can also assist the person served to refocus on necessary participation in a wide array of services. Recovery is a process, not a destination.
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Mental Health First AID
National Council for Mental Webllbeing
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Mental Health Services We Provide

Mental Health and Recovery Groups


Assessment and Treatment Planning

Drop-in Mental Health Services: LRP

Individual and Family Therapy

Recovery Support and Case Management

Crisis Intervention

IPS Employment Services


HRC has both therapist-run therapy groups and recovery groups. Therapist-led groups involve a group of people who, with the guidance of a therapist, work on problems together. Recovery groups are facilitated by Certified Recovery Support Specialists. Groups can help people get well and stay well. HRC provides a variety of group treatments including Whole Health Action Management (WHAM) and Wellness Recovery Action Plan.

These services are available by contacting (217) 465-4118 and requesting mental health services. If, following an assessment, the person and their therapist identify groups as a benefit to recovery, they may be enrolled in one of HRC’s Groups.

emdr therapist near me
HRC offers Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). EMDR is a therapy that helps people recover from emotional stress and symptoms that are the result of disturbing or traumatic life events. Studies have proven EMDR can help people experience the benefits of therapy at a much quicker rate than previous treatment models.  It was once commonplace for severe emotional pain to heal over extended periods of time.  EMDR therapy proves that the brain can heal from trauma much quicker than previously believed.
These services are available by contacting (217) 465-4118 and requesting mental health services and specifying that you are seeking EMDR services. If, following an assessment, the person and their therapist identify EMDR as a benefit to recovery, the person may be enrolled in one of HRC’s Groups.
mental health assessment
HRC provides mental health assessment and treatment planning. Assessment is used to screen for mental health issues, struggles, and disorders. This is typically one of the first steps in the process of accessing mental health services at HRC. Treatment planning involves making a plan to address issues and achieve the person’s goals. Creating a treatment plan includes setting goals, identifying providers, establishing a plan to achieve goals, and methods of treatment.
These services are available by contacting (217) 465-4118 and requesting mental health services. In most circumstances this call will lead to an intake appointment, an assessment, and then the development of a treatment plan. Treatment plans are updated routinely throughout treatment.
mental health assessment

HRC’s LRP, the Living Room Program, offers a mental health crisis respite program for people who are 18+ years old. The goal of the Living Room Program is to provide a calm and safe environment in which guests can engage in recovery support activities to improve overall wellness and reduce symptoms. LRP offers services and supports designed to proactively divert crises and break the cycle of psychiatric hospitalization.  A Qualified Mental Health Professional will supervise the initial screening, and the person is paired with a Recovery Support Specialist who will orient the person to the Living Room.

The LRP provides a safe, inviting, home-like atmosphere where individuals can calmly process the crisis event as well as learn and apply wellness strategies which may prevent future crisis events. The LRP is staffed by Recovery Support Specialists. Individuals seeking services at LRPs are screened for safety by Qualified Mental Health Professionals upon entry and exit. Individuals experiencing psychiatric crises may self-refer or may be referred by police, fire, emergency departments, or other organizations with which an individual experiencing such a crisis may come into contact. The Living Room can help those not in immediate crisis, as well, but who are experiencing symptoms of mental illness, like anxiety.

HRC operates two living room locations. A person can access these services by location.

Paris LRP

  • Phone: (217) 712-9766
  • Located at the Life Center, HRC side, on the Horizon Health, Paris Community Hospital campus, at 745 E. Court St., Paris, IL 61944
  • Open hours are:

              24 Hours per Day, 7 Days per Week

Marshall LRP

  • Phone: (217) 251-8478
  • Located at the Forsythe Center, next to Cork Medical Clinic, at 406 N. 2nd St., Paris, IL 61944
  • Open hours are:
         M-F 9a-5p
  • Individual counseling (called psychotherapy, talk therapy, or treatment) is a process in which clients work one-on-one with a trained mental health clinician in a safe, caring, and confidential environment. Counseling allows individuals to explore their feelings, beliefs, and behaviors, work through challenging or influential traumas or memories, identify their personal goals, better understand themselves and others, and work toward desired goals.
  • Family therapy is a type of treatment designed to help with issues that specifically affect families' mental health and functioning. It can help individual family members build stronger relationships, improve communication, and manage conflicts within the family system. By improving how family members interact and relate to each other, family therapy can encourage change in close relationships.

These services are accredited by CARF and available to youth and adults by contacting (217) 465-4118 and requesting counseling or family therapy. In most circumstances, this call will lead to an intake appointment, an assessment, and the development of a treatment plan. Treatment plans are updated routinely throughout treatment.

Recovery Support Specialist

The Recovery Support Specialist's (RSS) role is to support others in recovery from mental health struggles,  trauma, and those seeking resources in the community. The RSS serves as a role model, mentor, and advocate, and seeks to empower recovering individuals in order to help  prevent relapse, provide ongoing support, and promote long-term recovery.

A Recovery Support Specialist is a person successful in their own recovery process who helps others experiencing similar situations. Through shared understanding, respect, and mutual empowerment, a RSS helps people become and stay engaged in the recovery process. A RSS strives to extend mental health treatment, trauma recovery, and support beyond the clinical setting into the everyday environment and communities of those seeking recovery.

These services are available to individuals who participate in HRC’s mental health treatment programs who have a need for these services. In order to access these services, people need to enroll in substance use disorder treatment and demonstrate need for this service.

What can a RSS Assist With?

  • Advocate for people in recovery
  • Share resources and skill building
  • Build community and relationships
  • Mentor and help to set goals
  • Provide substance use services and/or training
  • Educate the public on various topics related to substance use
    — Assist in developing skills such as grocery shopping, budgeting, relationship building, problem resolution, and building a sober activities wellness toolbox
    — Coach individuals through their recovery process by helping them to identify their triggers for stress and discover coping techniques
    — Coordinate with other medical professionals to ensure that clients are receiving appropriate care for physical injuries or illnesses related to their addictions
    — Assist in applying for, obtaining, and/or utilizing resources such as public entitlements (SNAP, Medicaid, etc), childcare, employment, compassionate clothing closet, food pantry, public transportation, higher education

These services are available by contacting (217) 465-4118 and requesting mental health services. If, following an assessment, the person and their therapist identify this service as a benefit to the individual and the individual chooses, the service may be offered. Services of this nature are also available on a walk-in bases through the Living Room Program.

crisis intervention

HRC has the capacity to respond to mental health crisis needs at the local jails, doctor's offices, and the emergency room. This program  provides for telephonic, telehealth, and walk-in community access to behavioral health crisis care services. This service includes crisis assessment and crisis interventions for individuals regardless of insurance coverage. HRC provides equal access to services and supports to any adult individual experiencing a health crisis of a behavioral health (BH) nature that poses a risk for movement to a higher level of care, such as inpatient psychiatric or nursing home settings. The most common conditions that people seek these services for are ideation to self-harm, harm others, or delusional behavior that places an individual in risk of becoming seriously harmed.

HRC’s crisis services are provided to adults 18 years of age or older 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 52 weeks per year. These services can be accessed by calling (217) 712-9766.

Emergency Crisis Assessment services are available for youth & adults by calling 988.

ips supported employment

HRC’s Individual Placement and Support (IPS) services are an evidence-based practice that was developed to help promote the recovery of people who have serious mental illness through employment. This model is an evidenced-based program with proven success.

For several years now, HRC has held a top spot in the nation for program fidelity based on audits by the Department of Rehabilitation Services and IL Department of Mental Health as demonstrated by having the top score in the nation.  

IPS can help to address the following goals:

  • Assist persons with serious mental illness in choosing, obtaining, and maintaining competitive employment in the community.
  • Reduce or alleviate symptoms of mental illness through competitive employment.
  • Assist persons to identify work strengths, needs and preferences.
  • Provide support and assistance through the job search assistance.
  • Provide ongoing supports to employed persons to assist them in maintaining employment.

To participate in IPS the person must meet these criteria:

  • Participants must be identified as having a mental illness;
  • Must be 18 years of age;
  • Must reside in Edgar or Clark County, IL;
  • Must have documentation of mental illness that impacts the person’s ability to achieve and/or maintain competitive employment;
  • Participant must meet at least some of the following criteria:
    — Question the benefits of employment in treating mental illness;
    — Interested in work but are experiencing doubts about their ability to work or the impact of work on their public entitlements;
    — Work history has been interrupted or inconsistent due to mental illness but would like to return to work;
    — Interested in or actively seeking employment but have been unsuccessful;
    — Employed but have expressed the need or desire for ongoing supports to maintain employment or seek different employment;
    — Employed but would benefit from follow-along supports to maintain employment;
    — Has the need for integrated vocational and mental health services over an extended period of time;
    — Has a history of working in a non-competitive situation, little to no competitive employment history, or inconsistent/interrupted employment history due to mental illness;
    — Receiving mental health services or be in the process of obtaining mental health services.

These services are available by contacting (217) 465-4118 and requesting mental health services. If, following an assessment, the person and their therapist identify this service as a benefit to the individual and the individual chooses, the service may be offered.

Our team

Meet Our Team

HRC has staff members providing services throughout Edgar and Clark counties in IL. Staff members include but are not limited to Certified Recovery Support Professionals, Licensed Clinical Social Workers, Licensed Professional Counselors, Licensed Clinical Professional Counselors, Qualified Mental Health Professionals, Mental Health Professionals, and Recovery Support Aides.

Alyssa Labry

IPS Program staff member at HRC's outpatient programs, serving adults.
Currently pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology and a Minor in drug and alcohol addictions, Alyssa has previous work experience in home health care. Alyssa is passionate about helping people and loves her job as it allows her to help people every day. She plans to use her degree to continue helping others.

Cariae Johnson

LRP staff member at HRC's Drop in Style Crisis Unit, serving adults aged 18 and older
Cariae is currently working towards her CRSS and enjoys her position as an RSS, which she started a few months ago. Her passion for helping people led her to pursue a career in the mental health field. Cariae is grateful for her life and loves meeting new people and hearing their stories. She is excited about her journey and looks forward to seeing what her future holds at HRC.

Michelle Creech

Certified Recovery Support Specialist and a Recovery Support Services staff member at HRC, serving those also served by HRC's outpatient services
Michelle has been working at HRC for five years and enjoys her role as a recovery support and employment specialist. Michelle is a Certified WRAP facilitator and has been clean from drugs for 14 years. Michelle's lived experiences of surviving many traumas have made her passionate about giving others support with similar experiences. She believes that recovery is possible for everyone, regardless of the situation. Michelle enjoys working with children, teens, adults, and veterans who are survivors of domestic violence, have substance use, grief, any type of mental health diagnosis or have survived any type of trauma. She loves to empower and help individuals learn ways to cope and be the best version of themselves.

Jenny McMahan

Recovery Support Specialist at HRC, where she serves those who are also receiving outpatient services
Jenny has been with HRC for nearly three years and has held multiple positions, including Youth & Family Care Coordinator. Jenny earned her Bachelor of Science in Education in 2006 and finished her second license in Special Education in 2010. Jenny is working towards becoming a Certified Recovery Support Specialist. She loves her job because it allows her to help others navigate life’s difficulties by learning coping skills and self-advocacy. Jenny is able to relate to her clients' experiences through her own lived experiences and trauma. She enjoys working with children, parents, people with disabilities, students needing academic help, people struggling with anxiety, and those struggling with addiction or substance use. Jenny feels a great sense of purpose when helping her clients learn how to cope and advocate for their needs.

Jenna Crockett

Mental Health staff member at HRC, providing scheduled clinical mental health services
Jenna received her undergraduate degree from Brown University in Rhode Island and a Masters of Social Work from the University of Pennsylvania. She has held a number of different positions in human services, most recently as a mental health therapist at HRC since 2004, particularly dealing with depression, anxiety, and trauma. Jenna has also worked in addictions for ten years and early childhood for ten years. She relocated to Illinois in 1998 and has raised two boys there. Jenna enjoys spending time with family and friends, traveling, and the outdoors. She has studied meditation and mindfulness techniques and practices them daily, which can be useful for helping people develop their calming and relaxation practices. Jenna completed her training and certification in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) in 2018, which is an effective approach that incorporates eye movement and cognitive therapy to facilitate healing from trauma. Jenna finds it very rewarding to assist in the healing, recovery, and growth of others.

Casey Craig

MSW, LCSW is a mental health therapist at HRC providing scheduled clinical mental health services.
Casey earned a Master’s Degree in Social Work from Indiana State University in 2016 and a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College in 2009. She has professional experience working with adolescents and adults struggling with a variety of presenting issues including depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, addiction, and relationship difficulties. She is trained in EMDR and her professional interests include working with individuals dealing with the effects of relational trauma. Casey works to create a compassionate space where others feel safe showing up authentically. She finds it incredibly rewarding to support and guide others as they take steps towards healing the core issues driving their symptoms, ultimately creating healthier connections to themselves and the world around them.

Johanna Westin

MSW LCSW is a Licensed Clinical Therapist at HRC, providing scheduled clinical mental health services
Johanna graduated from the University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign in 2008 with a Master’s Degree in Social Work. Johanna has extensive experience working with people of all ages in trauma and stress management in both inpatient and outpatient settings. She also has professional experience working with people suffering from depression, anxiety, relationship issues, and parenting challenges. Johanna values professionalism and enjoys reading, watching movies, traveling, and the Chicago Cubs. About her work, Johanna says, “I am always humbled to be let into another person’s life and be allowed to help them recover and find fulfillment in life. I am grateful that I found this work. I really love when a client makes a breakthrough. I truly enjoy going on that journey with them.”

Marilyn Talbott

MS LCPC is a mental health therapist at HRC, providing scheduled clinical mental health services
She graduated from Indiana State University with her Master’s Degree in Clinical Counseling in 1989 and started at HRC in 1990. Marilyn specializes in DBT and stress management and has professional experience working with adult and child victims of abuse, borderline personality disorder, anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. She values professionalism and enjoys spending time with family, friends, reading, Yoga, carpentry, painting, animals, gardening, and learning new things! About her work, Marilyn says, “I love helping people on the road to recovery. I especially enjoy seeing them gradually take charge of their own lives: feeling stronger, appreciating their unique characteristics and talents, making wise choices, and learning to live life to the fullest.”

Nicole Young

Recovery Support Specialist at HRC, serving adults 18 years and older in the LRP (Drop in Style Crisis Unit)
Nicole is a current student at Grand Canyon University, pursuing a bachelor's degree in Behavioral Health Science with an emphasis in Trauma and hopes to have her CRSS within the near future. Nicole has devoted her life to learning about mental health as it is her passion. She has been with HRC for two years, and it is her first job as a mental health professional. Nicole values professionalism and aims to promote empowerment and help others who are struggling mentally, physically, and emotionally learn to love their life for the first time, or all over again. Recovery is possible.


“Penny made her feel so heard and cared about; and she was so glad that she had called her; and that now she knew she was in the right place.” [From a person nervous about reaching out to HRC for help] Welcoming and Inviting Services
Mental Health Services
“This woman may not remember me in a couple of years, but I will always remember her. The work you do here has changed my life, and it’s amazing.” [From a person who participated in mental health services regarding a Therapist]
Mental Health Services- Impact
One individual said, “I love the fact that I have a safe place to talk about issues. It helps me to relieve the stress of everyday life. It helps me get the support that I need. I like being with others who understand my needs and feelings”.
Quality of Services - Safe place to be understood
One individual said, “HRC has given me the tools to deal with my depression and anxiety. I am hopeful and have the will to live. I see the light instead of the darkness.”
Quality of Services - Impowered to deal with emotions
One individual said, “The services I received at HRC has helped me to regain hope and believe that recovery is possible. The encouragement and support I received has helped me to gain employment and have a belief in a better future.”
Quality of Services- Hope in Recovery
One individual said, “HRC helps me get through the day. I come in feeling stress and sadness. After talking to one of the RSS who listen to my problems when it is time to leave I feel better. I hope to live my life without stress and worries. I just want to be happy. I don’t know what I would do without the support of HRC”.
MH- Unload Stress
One individual said, “Thank you for seeing me on such short notice. I really appreciate your help.”
MH- Short Notice
One individual said, “I'm glad I can talk to you about what I've been through. It helps to get it all out.”
MH- Getting It All out
One adolescent said, “Thank you for being here for me today. I always feel comfortable coming in here and talking”
MH- Comfortable Services
One individual said, “I greatly enjoy coming to this group. I enjoy sharing with others and learning from each other.”
MH- Groups are Enjoyable
One person served said, “The services I am receiving have made a difference in my life and given me the extra support to improve things.”
MH SUD- Extra Support
One individual said, “You have been one of the only people who did not judge me and tell me I am worth more.”
MH, SUD- No Judgement
One individual served said, "I come here for me. No one else knows that I come here and that is okay. If it weren't for HRC I wouldn't be where I am today."
MH, SUD- I Come Here For Me
One individual said, “I especially like the peer-led group sessions. Knowing the facilitator has experienced some of the same things I have gives me a measure of comfort and hope. Their understanding comes from their own life experiences. They’ve seen through it too. Through sharing experiences with each other, I get much needed validation."
MH, SUD- Recovery Peer Led Groups
"I like coming here. Everyone is nice to me here, and no one judges me."
MH, SUD- Nonjudgmental
"You have helped me change my life. I don't want to go back to the guy I was before."
MH, SUD- Helped Me Change
"I can get services before I get my funding from the state. I have lots of friends."
MH- Able to Get Services Before Funding
“HRC helps me get through the day. I come in feeling stress and sadness. After talking to one of the RSS who listen to my problems when it is time to leave I feel better. I hope to live my life without stress and worries. I just want to be happy. I don’t know what I would do without the support of HRC”.
MH- Gets Me Through The Day
“I greatly enjoy coming to this group. I enjoy sharing with others and learning from each other”.
Senior Wellness Group Member
“I love the fact of having a safe place to talk about issues. It helps me to relieve the stress of everyday life. It helps me get the support that I need. I like being with others who understand myneeds and feelings”.
Becky Davison
“HRC has given me the tools to deal with my depression and anxiety. I am hopeful and have the will to live. I see the light instead of the darkness.”
Patsy King
Payment for Services

What Is the Cost of the Services?

HRC is the primary provider of such services for people who have Medicaid while also providing services to people who have private insurances. HRC offers assistance including reduced fees for individuals who have an inability to pay for services.
SUD Rates

Have Questions?

All HRC services are designed to assist individuals and families to be more independent, healthy, and resilient. Contact us to learn more!
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